A Few Good Men President Obama seems to be having difficulty finding staff members to fill his new cabinet. It seems that all the good candidates don't seem to pay their taxes. Oh well, he'll just have to keep looking.
The SEC is Getting Serious The SEC is under a lot criticism for the Bernie Madoff scam. So some folks think it time for some new people to run the SEC. Bernie made-off with some 50 billion dollars of stockhholder's funds. The SEC was warn what he was doing and choose to ignore the matter.
Wall Street Fat Cats and Their Christmas Bonus After all that has happened to the U.S. economy and the stock market, the fat cats still felt they deserved their mulit-million dollar bonuses. Not if Santa can help it.
Bailout or Bust After arriving the first time at DC in corporate jets and thus failing to get any financial bailout fund from congress, the heads of the big 3 auto makers decided to try a different appoarch the second time around.
Americans and Their Guns With newly elected President Obama promising to do away with the right to bear arms, and with the state the economy is in, more and more people are owning guns to protect themselves and their property. This cartoon deplicts how some folks may be taking it to an extreme. Maybe so or maybe not, only time will tell.
The End of 2008 Is Taking Its Toll With the U.S. financial infrastructure in the dumps and people undecided on which way to vote in the coming Presidential election, it seems that it was starting to take its toll on the average U.S. citizen. This seem to make for good material for the cartoon of the week.
Sympathy For The Devil After many lost their homes, most of their life's savings, and retirement funds late in 2008, there was very little respect or sympathy for bankers or stockbrokers.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Our Government to the Rescue In the fall of 2008, our nation was focusing on the crumbling U.S. financial infrastructure which made good material for the cartoons in the following months, if not years.
Wall Street Melt Down Before the Presidential election of 2008, Wall street had a major melt down which brought forth a similarity or reference to the melt down of the wicket witch in the Wizard of Oz. We thought this might make for a good cartoon topic.